Abraham Lincoln (who had issued the Proclamation) and others were concerned that the Emancipation Proclamation would be seen as a temporary war measure, and so, besides freeing slaves in those states where slavery was still legal, they supported the amendment as means to guarantee the PERMANENT abolition of slavery.
He is responsible for the 13th amendment which passed June 13, 1866, which was during Lincolns term and it clearly states:
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as punishment for crime where of the party have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
This legislation basically states that slavery can only be induced upon those whom are convicted by the state... Now lets take a step back; which race of people makes up most of today's prison population? That would be blacks and hispanic folks. Why is it that where slavery was the most heavy (in the south) is the same place where most blacks are incarcerated? Something smells awfully funny.
33.6 percent of black males between ages 20-34 are arrested at least once compared to that of 4.8 percent of white males. That is because the game is rigged to be that way. Prison indurty is some of Amerikas biggest business and comodities the ethnic dispossesed poor are.
Yo that shit mad true son i never thought about it like that...son whee ya mind be at? we gone die anyway nigga..
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ps - this article shows a tremendous ability for you to penetrate the reality of what is going on. Really nice work.
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