Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bottled Water: The Subtle Killer

Bottled water is one of the biggest industries in the business thus far. When it was introduced in the 90’s it is said to have taken on a life of its own. It has in turn developed into a multi-billion dollar business with profit margins for the distributing companies that reach as high as 500%. Americans alone throw away 38 billion plastic bottles a year into the trash and that financial number exceeds one billion dollars worth of plastic.  According to WebMd a case is made saying that not all bottled water is bad.  In this self regulated industry they practically abides by their own sets of rules and this has resulted in hazardous beverages for the public. The bottled water industry and their image of purity have people with absolute doubt that there can be anything-wrong wit it. It is said that the plastic itself has numerous toxic chemicals, which eventually ends up contaminating the water; meanwhile there are some companies who have completely contaminated water without including the bottles poisons. 

Environmental Working Group (EWG) concluded that after most of the companies extract the water from its source it goes through minimal process and is never really completely purified. The law actually states that if municipal water is to be used anywhere it clearly has to be stated “unless” there are steps taken to purify the water. 

There is no real definitive to how much does it have to be purified to promote the water as pure. I guess it would be safe to say that further purification measures  other than than ones that are required by the companies to take aren’t done to simply maximize profits. If you can get around the law by taken minimal steps in and save money then you can clearly see why there are situations like this at hand from the beginning.

The most common plastic used in the manufacturing of bottles of water is known as polyethylene terephthalate, or PET a substance which is said to use up to 17 kilograms of water just to produce one PET according to Dr Zoltan P. Rona. According to him more water goes into the actual manufacturing of PET than actual water does. This has become a silent killer as well as a very big problem. It is said that theses chemicals can result in anything from cancer to brain problems as well as “endocrine disrupting chemicals” which range from Parabens to Phenols.  The plastic is very dangerous in these water bottles and to say the least bit it turns the sort of good water to very bad and possibly hazardous in some cases. Some of the harmful chemicals are said to "block the production of testosterone and mimic the action of estrogen in mans bodyHmm!! Ever wonder where all of these feminine males suddenly emerge from? I do.

There have been numerous amounts of testing when it comes to the bottled water industry. Many of these test has concluded some alarming results, which may not sit well with those dedicated to drinking their daily bottle each day. In many of the study’s it was stated that in the end one might want to consider tap water instead of bottled water. EWG took ten of the best selling bottled water brands to be put in their study they found 38 different pollutants, which ranged from bacteria to fertilizer. The levels of the chemicals in most of the water that was measured came out to be the same amount or in some cases more than tap water. Ten of those most widely used brands throughout America contained an average of eight contaminants per bottle based on Salynn Boyles from Webmd health news. She also talked in detail about five of those tested waters contained fluoride six contained nitrate (fertilizer ingredient), and two contained the drug acetaminophen or Tylenol as most may call it.

The Acadia water brand out of California had chemical levels, which far exceeded the states safety standards. Practically all of the Executives of the companies state that they take the most precautionary measures and assure that there product is safe. They are legally bound to poison the public. Federal law states that water quality should always be made to the public, however when it comes to the bottled water industry those same rules apply in no way shape or form. The self-regulation of this business may be the primary reason that this kind of research is being done in the first place.

Another thing that the industry seems to thrive on is the fact that they use false advertisements to their advantage. Many of them have pictures and sayings that give a false reality of where the water comes from only to find that it is simply borderline tap water. This is a bad idea. Though tap water is very harmful it is said that even water that is fully purified should not be consumed on a regular basis. It is said that purified water is should be used to cleanse your body of toxins consumed and even though this is a great thing it is said it should never be consumed regularly. 

The bottled water industry is said to be one that can be argued from both sides especially that of the safety and health standpoints. There is one thing that is consistently being uttered by those in charge in the water business is that none of these actual effects have been proven and it will take long-term studies for anyone to jump to conclusive arguments the proof shall remain in the nature of the practices and what's seen around us everyday.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is The Prison System Solely about Monetary gain?

Do criminals really commit crimes simply because they are the most angry and hateful people on the planet? I don't think so. Do you think crimes are committed do to miseducation and manipulation of the economically inferior situation? Sure do. Is jail the modern day slave system in disguise? Maybe. However, one true fact that remains is The 13th amendment states that conviction of a crime is most certainly punishable by nothing other than SERVITUDE (slavery) which means you basically have no rights in prison whatsoever and your role in life becomes that of a servant to the state and corporate business. 

In a system in which big business and corporate production far exceeds regards for natural human rights as well as life itself. A lot of things that are about those who are in charge may be untrue, on the other hand, one things that remains is that the fact is that there are very few people who are benefiting from the things that are going on in this world. Is it ironic that the same people (Blacks) that was supposedly freed from the hands of involuntary servitude are the same folks that pack Amerikkkas prisons today? Or does that seem to be a mere conspiracy at hand? Or is it simply coincidence? Amerika has the largest prison population in the world exceeding 2 million prisoners.

 How ironic is it that the worlds so called greatest nation has the highest prison population with a number that exceeds two-million. Does that mean there are over 2 million evil people living here? Doubt it. Around 90% of the crimes that are committed are derivative crimes of the higher ups in society; that's why this prison industry will be sustained because the so called problem of crime is being attacked picking at the leaves when we know the roots has to be attacked if you want to kill the tree.

Once that it was realized that the prison business was more profitable than the free market economy itself the country has been in trouble. 

Ever since president Ronald Reagan declared a was on drugs in the 80's the prison industry and population itself has since been rising; while at the time the prison population was on the decline. Possession of a controlled substance has been one of the primary charges in which got and kept numerous people imprisoned. William F. Buckley (The creator of The National Review, and a member of the Bilderberg group) once said "Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could." In 2003 alone the FBI reported that there were 755,186 people arrested on marijuana charges which is a record number of arrests, on the other hand, there were less than 600,000 arrests for violent offenders. Blacks make up 59 percent of those convicted on drug possession and make up 38 percent of all offenders. The drugs are all throughout the black and poor communities alike, they might possess it for the most part but they did not bring them there. Too poor to own the boats and planes that it got here on.

Blacks have been railroaded as the permanent underclassmen when it comes to the prison industry. As they say the proof is in the pudding. This whole thing looks to be a systematic attack on controlling the working class and from rebelling against there economically oppressive tactics. Political prisoner, Ruchel Magee said, "Slavery is being practiced by the system under color of law. Slavery 400 years ago, and slavery today is the same thing but with a new name. They're making millions of dollars enslaving blacks, poor whites and others... people who don't even know that they are being railroaded." 
When it comes to the corporate business side of the prison industry there are numerous corporations who have their hand in that jar. Prison labor is the way to go for the corporate figures because the workers CANNOT strike, NO LABOR UNIONS, NO UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. Just under 40 states have legalized the contracting of prison labor to the private corporations. The profit margin due to the prison industry has arisen from just under 395 million to well over  1 billion dollars all from slave labor for the likes of companies such as IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T Wireless, Texas Instruments, Dell, Compaq, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3com, Intel, Northern Telecom, Revlon, Macy's, Pierre Cardin, and Target. Boeing, Victoria Secret, and Eddie Bauer have conducted in subcontracting using low-cost prison labor to produce aircraft components, lingerie, and software packets.
TWA contracts with California Youth & Adult Correctional facility to use prisoners to make airline reservations according to Julie Light of Corporate Watch Magazine. It is almost impossible to organize people in jail due to the simple fact that they have NO RIGHTS. As you can see the prison business is huge there are still things ranging from waterbeds to cap and gowns that produced in prison. The prison system just like every other system implemented by the elitists is basically one of complete control and one that will be completely beneficial to them. In prison they have you down to where your straight cattle with NO RIGHTS and for the "free" we are governed by the 2 MILLION LAWS it takes to run a society. You heard! two-million laws.
All comments welcomed please do so and feel free....there is so much to write about when it comes to the prison industrial complex. 
Thanx for your time....